
WTG Tower Repair


WTG Tower Repair training aims to develop knowledge and skills that enable preventive and corrective maintenance to be performed on the corrosion protection of metal structures in wind turbines.

Planned dates

Monthly training programs.
Customizing dates available upon request. For further information, please contact us.

• Interpret a painting scheme and its different components;
• Identify the different products that must be applied in a painting scheme, by consulting the respective technical data sheet
• Properly prepare and clean the surface of a metal substrate;
• Prepare different products for repair;
• Apply different anti-corrosion products using appropriate tools;
• Perform different quality control methods;
• Properly use the atmospheric control equipment.

24h (theoretical and practical);
Training takes place over a period of three days from 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm.
The training will be concluded with a theoretical-practical evaluation

Minimum - 4 participants | Maximum - 12 participants

Training for all those professionally involved wind turbine maintenance that have to carry out inspection of high corrosion and surface protection operations.

Physical and mental robustness.

GR ACADEMY Facilities - Aveleda, Portugal
On site – subject to evaluation and approval.

Not included (suggestions for different accommodation units available).

All trainings include water, tea and coffee for the duration of the course.

* On request;
• Special conditions for groups and companies;
• Upon successful completion of the training, an internationally recognized certificate valid for three years will be issued.

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